how to use a download manager

Use your preferred third-party Download Manager to download our large files and ISO images. For your convenience, we have tested these Download Managers on Internet Explorer and they work well:
  • Go!Zilla
  • Internet Download Manager
  • Flashget

To download a single file:

  1. From the download site, under "Download Manager Links,"copy the link for the file you want to download.
  2. Paste the link into the URL field of the Download Manager and select "OK."
  3. The file will begin to download.
To download multiple files, repeat the steps listed above for each file.


Use the Linux wget command-line utility to download our large files and ISO images. 
Command Format:
wget -O <> 'DownloadURL1' 'DownloadURL2' 'DownloadURL...'
  1. Open a terminal window.
  1. Change to the directory in which you would like the files saved

Important: URLs can often include meta characters such as an ampersand (&). Such characters can be erroneously interpreted by the console shells being used to download. Make sure you enclose the URLs in single-quote marks as shown in the sample above, so the meta characters will not be parsed.
To download a single file:

  1. From the download site, right-click the file you wish to download and select "Copy link location." URL example:
  2. Make sure that the download URL is wrapped in quotes.
  3. Press enter.
  4. The file will begin to download.
  5. Use -O <> to rename the file.

To download multiple files:

  1. From the download site, right-click on each file you wish to download and select "Copy link location." URL example:
  2. Make sure that the download URLs are wrapped in quotes.
  3. Each file name and link must be separated by a space
  4. Press enter.
  5. The files will begin to download.
  6. Use -O <> to rename the file.
Additional wget command instructions can be found by typing wget --help or man wget in your terminal window.

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